Feeling the need to rant
I gotta get this off my chest..and if anyone stumbles in here and is offended by this then GOOD, JACKASS. If you have kids, are watching kids, or are simply just giving some neighbors kids a ride to school DO NOT light up a cigarette in the car with the children. This shit completely pisses me off. Worst is when its the kids own focking parents who do it. Hey bastard, im sorry you feel the need to slowly poison yourself to death but im sure your 6 year old child would rather not breathe that crap in day after day on his ride to baseball practice. Let me tell you what you these people need to do. Go grab a kickers football tee, lay prone on a flat surface, place the tee on the ground under your head and rest your chin in it. Now close your eyes as i come kick your head off you inconsiderate prick.
Feel better?
Wait until Scott reads that. But yeah smokers suck.
Thank goodness I live in FL where there's NO smoking in public places.
I went on a trip to Tennessee a few months back with a buddy and his family, and both his sister and mother are avid smokers. We walked into the first restaurant along the way, and when they asked if we wanted to sit in the smoking section, those two stopped just short of rubbing each other's nipples.
For every meal on that trip I had to endure a constant stream of that shit, and of course we also had to sit and wait to leave until they finished their smokes.
GOD I hate them all.
Hey, the way I see it, as long as I'm not holding out and I give the kids a cigarette too, then what's the problem? :P
Really though, Ryan will give the impression that I always have a cloud of smoke floating around my head. In truthfulness, I am one of the most courteous smokers I know of. I try to refrain from smoking around alot of people even out doors in close areas.
I suppoose there is only so much you can do about cigarette smoke. I'm 31, I started smoking at age 16 when it was fashionable. I think at that age I only had one friend that didn't smoke. Now it's a vicious monkey on my back. As far as the buddy's sister that Ryan mentioned, even though she is my EX, I'll have to stick up for her. When her and I were a couple, she didn't even like me to smoke in my own house, we always went outside to smoke. Oh, and by the way Ryan. I know you slept in the same bed with her on that Tennessee trip so quit your whining before I cut you. :P
Brandon, as far as little kids go, I'm never around them anyway, but you're right people shouldn't smoke all up on them like that. I saw some woman smoking with kids in the car once and she had all the windows rolled up.
BTW, Do you or the Vel machine ever even read my blog? I know you did at least a couple times anyway.
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