Thursday, March 31, 2005

Random Thing 4 and Thing 5

4) Digital camera - finally got a digital camera so expect pictures soon. Ok well, i dont actually have it yet cause the one i picked out best buy was out of. So its going to be delivered next week, probably wed. Something to look forward to.

5) "The Killers" CD "hot fuss" - Bought it the other day. Pretty good CD. Id say mix like the doors, duran duran, and some poppy punkish stuff and this is what you get. Id recommend it to anyone who likes "somebody told me" or "Mr. Brightside". Refreshing sound from these guys. Also got the Coheed and Cambria CD "secrets of the silent earth". Its like the moody blues, Tool, and Senses fail all mixed togather. I love the CD personally, but its something you would have to have a taste for to love.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What kind did you get bro?

I carry mine everywhere. I don't find anything that great to take pictures of though. Being a guy and looking the way I do, most people see me with a camera and think I'm some criminal trying to take pictures of them in order to print out my favorite body sections and pasting them over my flesh. So I tend not to bother snapping random people.

/rant off

Blogger Adder said...

Lol, yea, im glad you like reading it. I try to just think of random stuff people can relate you, but mostly i write for myself. Helps organize my thoughts. Keep posting though, i love comments :)

Blogger Rebel_Posse1973 said...

think I'm some criminal trying to take pictures of them in order to print out my favorite body sections and pasting them over my flesh. So I tend not to bother snapping random people.

Good Gawd Ryan :P


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