Thursday, March 31, 2005

Random Thing 4 and Thing 5

4) Digital camera - finally got a digital camera so expect pictures soon. Ok well, i dont actually have it yet cause the one i picked out best buy was out of. So its going to be delivered next week, probably wed. Something to look forward to.

5) "The Killers" CD "hot fuss" - Bought it the other day. Pretty good CD. Id say mix like the doors, duran duran, and some poppy punkish stuff and this is what you get. Id recommend it to anyone who likes "somebody told me" or "Mr. Brightside". Refreshing sound from these guys. Also got the Coheed and Cambria CD "secrets of the silent earth". Its like the moody blues, Tool, and Senses fail all mixed togather. I love the CD personally, but its something you would have to have a taste for to love.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The internet and other randomness

Havnt posted in about a week. Mostly cause i had nothing to speal about, but today i came up with a few things i can ramble on.

1) the internet and p2p web interaction - I was born in 80's so i did live a decent portion of my life before the internet popped up in everyones house. I guess its only been a common thing for about 10 how far we've come. Today i have friends who i have never met in real life. Guys who i have talked to for years now and never met in real life. Thats kinda nuts. 20 years ago the odds of me knowing someone in some random town ive never been to would be pretty slim. Now i know people all across the country thanks to the net. Its wierd to me to think that my kids will never know what it was like to not have people, information, etc.. all at thier fingertips.

2) Posting on my blog - thanks to everyone who does post, i appreciate it, keep it up! Yea even you scott...just lay off the budwieser beforehand next time :-p

3) Now thats REAL love - i gotta make a post about my favorite love song. Its kinda dark but if you wanna see what real passion is check it out...its called "in years to come" by thrice. Ill lay out the lyrics for ya

I wanna take the bullet, the one aimed straight for your heart
I wanna meet the wolves halfway and let them tear me apart
but thats not the way we do it here

I want to lay on the tracks
feel hot steel screaming at me
expose the bones on my back
let me show you what i mean

yea its a different kind of love
i want to climb barbwire fences, and warm my hands in blood
and this is my gift asking you to fix my ruined hands
and its the gift that keeps on giving and right now its all i have to give

I want to lay on the tracks
feel hot steel screaming at me
expose the bones on my back
let me show you what i mean
i want to write the perfect song, and play it just for you
while you lay tangled up in sleep
i need you more then i'll ever know
and till i stop breathing my lungs will take you for granted

--- damn great song, damn great band

thats enough chatter for now...take care and have a good day/week/month/year all.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Working for a moron - everyone has experianced this

Had my first meeting with the fire department guys last night. What a kickass group, i can tell im gonna have a good time working with them. Unfortunatly I have to train for 3 months while working my shitty retail job. Which brings me to tonights point...working for a moron. Im sure all of you have had the experiance or working for some idiot who should be washing your car instead of telling you what to do. Its a huge pet peeve of mine, because I've had a lot of cases where its obvious that im smarter then the person but most times i've got a higher level of education also. I'm hoping i'll get out of this scenerio once im done with the whole college job thing and get rolling in my career.
Oh yea and btw, its even worse when the person patronizes you. "Oh good job, thats what i like to see!"(in a stupid superficial voice) Don't treat me like a child you fricken idiot, you should be cooking my fries.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

New Job

Well I got the call today and everything is go with the fire department. Now it wasnt my dream as a child to be a firefighter; actually most of my childhood I wanted to be in law enforcement. I even have a bacholors degree in Criminal Justice, but those who know me know I dont have the police mentality and at this point im scared of law school because of how much deeper my student loans would become. So with graduation, and the ending of my relationship with the ex i sat and thought to myself about what to do. I've always told myself I would never chase money, but instead live my life doing something meaningful that gives me a purpose. I've talked to a number of the guys who I will end up serving alongside and they all tell me the same thing, they love what they do, and the adventure and risk that goes along with it. So now im really looking forward to starting training, getting certified, and my first experiance in a blaze. I'm never going to be a rich man, but if on every drive to work i have a smile on my face then it will be more then worth it. Oh yea, and the shifts are 24 on 48 i'll have lots of time to spend sailing around the S.C. and Ga coasts.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Ending a Relationship

It's kinda funny that you can spend a decent amount of time planning to get out of a relationship and yet once it happens you will start to question if you made the right choice. I guess its the whole "grass is always greener on the other side" thing. In my case I think my feelings of doubt are spurred on by pride and the loss of something that felt "comfortable" but not great. First thing to always remember, things never work out as planned. I still know breaking up with the ex was the right thing to do, I just always saw myself further along by now then I am. This unfortunatly leaves me wondering and contemplating the "what if" scenarios. Why? Because when you spend years in a relationship with someone, even the wrong person, you learn to fuction as a unit instead of independently. This has its benifits such as always having someone there for you when you need a hand, receiving affection and knowing your cared about, etc... When you grown accustomed to this and its suddenly gone, even by your own choice, your going to suffer, at least until you've completely adjusted (which you can expect to take some serious time). I think this may be the number one reason people will get back or stay togather, even if they know the match isn't right.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Flat lining

You ever had a period in your life when everything seems completely routine and uniform. I'm so bored with everything right now, i need some Thrills. Hell im half tempted to sell everything i have and take off. I wonder if my student loans would catch up to me in another country :p
I'm listening to "let it enfold you" by senses fail right now. These lyrics say it best

I'm just a bad actor stuck with a shitty script
All of my lines are cheap and the cast is weak
There was no music for the first time i got kissed
There was no femme fatale my mistress wasn't rich
So i've been formatted to fit your TV screen
The film went straight to tape, I'll bow out quietly

If you dont have any senses fail CDs and your into the whole emo thing then i really recommend u make "let it enfold you" your next CD purchase. Beats the hell outta all the other bands singing about some breakup or girl who wont give em the time of day.
I guess tomorrow is the first day of spring. I need this weather to get its act togather and give me some sun and 70 degree tempertures, for God sake theres a reason I moved to the beach. Anyone wanna loan me a sailboat?

Friday, March 18, 2005

One way communication

So there was this whole speal here about people who love to talk and hate to listen but apparently my server couldnt find the existing page and i lost everything i had typed /HEADBUTT KEYBOARD....oh well


Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog. I needed an outlet for my thoughts so I figured a blog would work. Hopefully i'll keep up with this thing and make it pretty interesting and worthwhile.