Happy CMD
In our country today there are many people both for and against the death penatly. If the times comes that we choose to abolish it it should be because the people of this country choose to do so. What if France decided that our country should no longer allow capital punishment and forced us to abolish it by threat of war (lol, france fighting...thats funny). I would hope that it would piss most Americans off, both those for and against capital punishment. My point, well, thats what happened between the North and the South about 150 years ago. Today is Confederate Memorial Day. Now if the first thing that just popped into your head is "hes a racist" then sure dumbass, im a racist, now get the hell off my blog. I hate it when people trivialize the confederate war, or as we call it the War of Northern Aggression, as a war between northern "liberators of slavery" and "evil southern slaveowners". I've been a lot of places in this country, and I will always come back to the South because of the many things that make it great. I have no reason to sit here and list them, if you want to find out then come to one of our great cities. I just want to stand up and say hey, i support Confederate Memorial Day, bless the men who died fighting for states rights, and give a salute to that beautiful flag we call Dixie.
The main issue is that nobody bothers to learn, remember or consider the gigantic number of economic and socioeconomic reasons for the Civil war. People hear "Civil War" and they think "Slavery."
While I am by no means a radical racist aryan shit, I am a southern boy, with many black friends and acquaintences. And nothing, I mean NOTHING pisses them (and myself off) more than the fact that so many hundreds of thousands of men lost their lives in the late 1800's so basketball players and rappers can buy Bentleys with gold rims and diamond encrusted teeth while the neighborhoods they came from continue to decay and rot.
I had a good friend in college who was an exchange student from South Africa. He actually said to me one time, and I quote: "I hate niggers. Sometimes I don't know why your country went to war. In my country, we see how these monkeys act over here, and it makes us sick that we continue to battle for our freedom every day, while those over here squander it with shitty music and lousy liquor."
I never laughed and cried so hard in my life. This one's for you, Jacob.
Yes indeed Happy Confederate Memorial day. I would like to add a bit of historical documentation.
The South seceded from the Union in January 1861. The first seven states were, South Carolina, Mississippi, FLORIDA, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina quickly followed. These eleven states eventually formed the Confederate States of America. The two more stars in the Confederate battle flag represent Kentucky and Missouri who did not secede due to extreme Union military persuasion, but were honored with stars on the flag for their sympathy to the South.
March 1861, at Lincoln's inauguration he stated that he had no plans to end slavery in those states where it already existed, but he refused to accept the secession.
January 1863 President Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation stating that "All persons held as slaves within rebellious states are and henceforth shall be free."
May 1865 marked the final surrender of remaining Confederate troops.
Now, this information I have given is all historical FACT. In the war between the states, slavery only played a small part. Yes, the south had slaves that were provided to them by the north. This to further production of southern industry, thereby making the many products purchased by the north more attainable. This aside from slavery still continues to this very day. The economy in the south still remains much lower than the north.
The rock bottom basis for the start of the Civil War was that the Union said if you don't do exactly as we want we're going to attack you and the South said "Bring it!" The South lost the war due to the very reason that the war started, economy. It is well documented for those flamers who might wish to read instead of jumping into things you have no idea about, that the Confederacy was kicking the snot out of the Union armies until they ran out of resources.
People talk so much about "Hey the war is over you rednecks lost" Well, I continue to see us losing all the time. Take Florida for instance, one of the first seven states in the CSA. So many northerners have moved here and told us how things will be done that by political standpoints Florida is not even a southern state anymore. Funny when you think of how often southerners are refered to as dumb inbreeders that hump their sisters and then stop to think that it was over yankee populated Florida for whom the phrase "Hanging Chad" was most familiarized. Hmmmm... yeah okay, so the war is over, but we're still paying for it over a hundred years later. Sorry folks, but I still smell gun powder.
As far as the constant bitch about slavery and bigotry restitutions, well I guess England should pay restitutions to Scottish people for years of tyrannical rule for a much longer time period than slavery ever existed in the U.S. Yeah, that's very extreme, but it makes about as much sence to me as the shit we come up with here in America.
Sorry for the long rant, but that's how it goes.
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