Friday, May 06, 2005

Whats going on and such

So heres some spew from my brain.

Tonight we had search and resue skills in class. We had to dawn full equipment and head into a pitch black building to find and rescue a dummy that has 8 pounds on me. Try dragging something that weighs as much as you when its dead weight. I was sucking in air from my SCBA like crazy but we got it out. The second go round it was my partner and I against another team to see who could search and find the dummy first. Yea, we rocked the hell out of it..tore through and did a thorough search, found the dummy and got out with a quickness. The instructers were impressed. Other then that class has been same ole same ole...lots of things to remember, lots of book work etc... Between that and work ive been really busy but doing well....cept i could use more money.

Lets see, i decided last month that im not going to cut my hair anymore, not for awhile at least. Save some money and i figure since i live at the beach i may as well let it get shaggy since if im lucky it will be wet from the ocean or pool half the time.

I've been getting information and plan to apply to graduate school at the college of charleston. For some strange reason i just cant seem to get enough of school. Not to mention its always nice to have a masters degree, even if all i can do is wave it around.

Ive cut down on going out and partying on the weekends. I been burning through too much money. I figure one weekend night a week will hold me over, hopefully, until i start getting paid. As for dating, i think ive got that out of my system for a bit, i had forgotten how expensive it can be. Unless the perfect girl walks into my life in the next month then im just gonna enjoy some time out of the game.

My best friend Chris just got glad and proud of the guy...also nostalgic though, our glory days are ending it seems......meeeeeeeeeeemories......

I have a couple friend from Va. coming soon so that should be cool. Hopefully will get a chance to hang out with my ole radford CRJU partner Jenn and some of her friends in myrtle beach next week. To top it off, Katie B says shes going to come at the end of the month so we will have a good time.

Ok, thats enough for now..gonna go pass out..paintball in the morning and i need to be fresh and on par for the killing ;)


Blogger Rebel_Posse1973 said...

Last thing on the death penalty, when i say take the guilty out back and shoot em im not talking in a fit or rage. I would calmly walk out, put the gun to their head, and end them. WHY? because they are non-condusive to a great society.

Bro, that is the coolest statement EVER!

BTW, Have you had to do the blind folded SCBA obstacle course yet? I had to go through SCBA training when I was with the Dept. of Corrections. The final test to pass the course was we had to go through an obstacle course with the mask taped over with masking tape so we couldn't see and have people screaming for help etc. while we tried to get them out. It was a nerve shaking event, but fun none the less.

Bro, you make me want to move up there and get into fire college.
I wish we could hang out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude you're rockin just like I knew you would.

Masters in Criminal Justice? Hmmm... Warden Dawson perhaps?

By the way, you had to "Don" full equipment.

Take it easy bro. Keep us informed.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I met Brandon while playing Dark Age of Camelot, an online game back in early 2002. I've known him over 3 years and consider him a good friend, even though we've never met.

Scott I've known for round about 8 years; he lives about 15 minutes up the road from me. He played the same game, but on a different server. They basically met through me. I hold both of them in very high regard.


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