Thursday, May 19, 2005


I need some spiritual guidance, anyone have any suggestions?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spiritual as in religious, or your own spirituality?

Elaborate more bro, or drop me a line.

Blogger Adder said...

Im just tired of living routine and want something more is all. In other news my stitches are driving me nuts and im ready to have them taken out. They itch like hell.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTH you get stitches for?

Blogger Adder said...

I got in a vicious knife fight and took a couple in the flank and back. Its cool though you know. Btw, you said you have been sick. I woke up this morning feeling like i had been in a train wreck. Being sick sucks.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Knife Fight??!?


Like "West Side Story" or "Road House?"

Yer makin me worried now...

Blogger Adder said...

ok so im full of bullshit. I had some chunks of skin taken off a little over a week ago by a doctor. nothing serious but ive got bout 30 stitches

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah hell, and here I thought Scott and I were gonna hafta jump in a truck and head up there to help you take care of some shit...

Blogger Rebel_Posse1973 said...

Spiritual guidance from Scott:

Feeling down? Been there, done that, do it all the time.

There is nothing at all wrong with wanting more out of life bro, we all do it. God knows I have my share of damn this sucks experiences, hell I'm that way about 50% of the time. I find it best to submerse myself in ideas, or dreams of shit I want to make reality then try to figure out how I'm gonna do these things. IE: the movie about redneck paranormal investigators. Most of my plans never work so I just keep pushing to find something that will. Eventually someone will become interested in what I'm doing and want to join me.

I guess what I'm saying is try to keep pushing through and eventually the wall will break.

I don't know if that helps at all, but I hope I made some bit of sence.

email me your phone number at and I'll give you a call so we can B.S.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spiritual guidance?

How about posting something, tool??


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