Wednesday, April 27, 2005

People dont blog no mo, all they do is this...

Blah, been a busy few weeks but i have nothing worth a damn to write about. I hate writing about shit thats going on in my life because noone cares or can relate to it. So until i have something worth saying then i wont be just check back every week or two i guess. Hell, i may add some pictures just for substance.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Up and down in 24 hours.

Females please don't seriously don't.

I honestly try to be a respectable gentleman, but I still have a habit of putting myself in positions that arnt exactly condusive to it. Yesterday I was hanging out with a new "friend." I was hanging out with her before i went to class and when i left i said i would call when i got out at 10 and if they (her and her roommates) were still up and drinking i would come over and play catch up. Blah blah blah, i get back to her place at about 10:45 and some new guy who had showed up hooked me up with some beers which was cool. Bout 15 min later he leaves the room and she leans over in my ear and tells me that this guy has been trying to get with her. Then she asks me if i would want to stay the night to block him, and of course being the gentleman i am and wanting to help her out the words "yes pls" stumble out of my mouth before shes even finished asking. Alright so i am kinda naive b/c i actually thought it may be one of those my side of the bed/your side of the bed things. Wrong. My feelings are this, if i dont initiate it and it happens, then i shouldnt feel like an ass the next day. Too bad i have a huge conscience. I tried calling her earlier, no answer so i leave a voicemail saying call me b/c i have a question about some plans we made for the weekend. Well she hasnt called me back. Thats the part that bothers me. If it was just a one night thing no worries, but until i talk to her and find out thats all it was then im going to sit here and worry that shes having regrets about what happened and all that speal, and i really dont want to be the guy who made some girl feel like shit.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Last weekend and stuff to look forward to

Last weekend I was back in Va. visiting friends and gathering the last of my things from my apartment. Weekend went by WAY to fast but it was fun. Camping Friday night (freezing our asses off) and quadfest at my college on sat. It was great seeing my college friends and hanging out with Katie B again (u know you rock). Now im back in Charleston with a loaded schedule. Can't wait till this weekend though cause im gonna take a roadtrip up to hilton head and then go boating on sunday if the weathers nice. I'm really loving this city, my whole demeanor and attitude have turned so positive in just 4 months. I'm all smiles.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Roadtrip! Posted by Hello

Virginia mountains off of I-77 Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Feeling the need to rant

I gotta get this off my chest..and if anyone stumbles in here and is offended by this then GOOD, JACKASS. If you have kids, are watching kids, or are simply just giving some neighbors kids a ride to school DO NOT light up a cigarette in the car with the children. This shit completely pisses me off. Worst is when its the kids own focking parents who do it. Hey bastard, im sorry you feel the need to slowly poison yourself to death but im sure your 6 year old child would rather not breathe that crap in day after day on his ride to baseball practice. Let me tell you what you these people need to do. Go grab a kickers football tee, lay prone on a flat surface, place the tee on the ground under your head and rest your chin in it. Now close your eyes as i come kick your head off you inconsiderate prick.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Are your speakers on?

Thanks to Alex for helping me get a audio file to play on my Blog. Your listening to the acoustic version of "stare at the sun" from Thrice.

I sit here clutching useless lists
and keys for doors that dont exist
i crack my teeth on pearls
and tear into the history
show me what it means to be in this world

Cause im due for a miracle
im waiting for a sign
i'll stare straight into the sun
and i wont close my eyes
till i understand or go blind

I see the parts but not the whole
study saints and scholors both
but no perfect plan unfurls
do i trust my heart of just my mind
why is truth so hard to find in this world

I know that theres a point i missed
a shrine or stone i havnt kissed
a scar that never graced my wrist
a mirror that hasnt met my fist
but i cant help, feeling like

im due for a miracle
im waiting for a sign
i'll stare straight, into the sun
and i wont close my eyes
till i understand or go blind

Thursday, April 07, 2005

The damn id

Don't you love waking up in the morning and thinking to yourself "what was i thinking"? If that happens to you a lot then chances are your id is pulling all the strings. I hate nights when my id takes over, cause this usually causes 3 things to happen.
1) Somehow i end up putting myself in a situation that i know isnt condusive to me being the kind of guy i like to think of myself as.2) Soon as Id takes control he usually invites his friend alcohol and/or testosterone along (testosterone being the guy in charge of men's "second brain"). When these guys get togather and have their way, your probably going to have a story to tell.3) Things that shouldnt happen happen, at some point i make it to sleep, and the next day wake up (usually to go to work after only 3 or 4 hours of sleep) and think to myself again "your a moron."

Fortunatly i think going through this is helping me figure some things out and what ive realized is, the best way to discover who you are, is by discovering who you arn't. Now you may be saying "no duh" or "thats dumb" but its true. Think about it.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

this is what I did for an hour after work Posted by Hello

My new camera and I Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 02, 2005

The Pope part 2

Well today Pope John Paul the 2nd died. He was possibly the greatest Pope of all time and an honorable man. I will not mourn for him but for the people who need him. To him i would like to be the first to say "congratulations on your promotion." God Bless

In other news...heres my schedule for the last 24ish hours.

-2:00 AM-, got home and made it into bed
-4:30 AM-, alarm goes off - crawl my ass into the shower, eventually climb out and fix breakfast
-5:45 AM-, meet at fire station 1, then head off to the bridge run (i got pictures so expect me to post some) It was a really nasty morning so i spent most of the day wearing soaking wet socks and shoes.
-9:00 AM-, get to rookie school. Sit it classroom till 4:30 PM. (sporadic breaks throughout this time)
-5:00 PM-, finally make it home and here i am typing this....i think i got a cold from my manager at American Eagle, my head is pounding.

So thats it for now, i could probably use some sleep, but thats not going to happen, not for a bit longer at least.

Friday, April 01, 2005

The Pope

This will be a short blog. Basically im just wondering...why are people sad that the Pope is dying. I mean, isnt death like retirement for the Pope? It should be a day of celebration for him in my opinion.